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  • 021
  • Shibuya-Best places to visit in Japan
  • Shibuya-Best places to visit in Japan
The famous “Scramble Crossing” by Shibuya Station is without a doubt one of the most iconic sights of Tokyo. On an average weekday, this bustling intersection bears foot traffic levels as high as 2.8 million people. Yes, that’s 2.8 million people a day! If you’re trying to snap the perfect selfie in the madness of the crossing just be sure to get yourself to the other side by the time the traffic signals turn red!

In addition to Shibuya’s mind-blowing crossing, many of Tokyo’s hippest clothing brands can be found in this area. Several cutting-edge fashion shops are located on or around the Center Gai Street. The famous Shibuya 109 shopping mall is a well-known legendary haunt for many shoppers and is anchored just a few minutes from the train station.
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