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  • Fukuoka-Best places to visit in Japan
  • Fukuoka-Best places to visit in Japan
Fukuoka is one of the biggest cities in Kyushu, Japan’s southernmost island. The city is located relatively close to the Asian mainland and has been an important port city for hundreds of years. Fukuoka has a number of interesting spots to check out but one of its most unique features is its riverside yatai food stalls. One of the best things to do in Japan, these stalls are something that you usually only find at festivals in Japan.

Unlike Tokyo, Fukuoka has a much more chilled out pace and is a great town to leisurely explore as a backpacker. The city and the surrounding area are home to a number of attractions to checkout as well including a castle and the first ever Zen temple. Anyone visiting in July is highly encouraged to check out the Hakata Gion Yamakasa festival.
  • 436

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