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  • 011
  • Kobe-Best places to visit in Japan
  • Kobe-Best places to visit in Japan
The city of Kobe is sandwiched between the sea and Mt. Rokko. Lately, it has become famous across the globe for its beef, is anyone else craving a burger?

Located between Osaka and Hiroshima, Kobe is often passed up by travellers en route on the bullet train. For those with the time to spare (and perhaps a JR rail pass), it’s definitely worth devoting a day to! In addition to the aforementioned mountain and its spectacular views of the bay, Kobe is also home to the Arima Onsen. This collection of hot springs is often hailed as one of Japan’s top-three. Being a port city, Kobe also has a great bayside entertainment facility as well as a bustling Chinatown to check out.
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